When looking for a web hosting provider, many people go with the cheapest, most popular plan. Lots of other people are using it, so they should be just fine, right?
Unfortunately, taking this approach can very likely get you into trouble. Reliable web hosting is an important part of your website’s security and performance. To help you make an informed decision with your web hosting provider, here are five persistent myths that you don’t want to fall for.
Myth #1: All web hosting providers are basically the same.
Web hosts deal with the same products and services, but they offer things in a unique way. For example, some web hosting companies are able to service both small and large businesses thanks to their dedicated server hosting and solid features. Others offer free domains, free SSL certificates and free SEO tools. Make sure that you compare apples to apples before agreeing to a contract.
Myth #2: Good web hosting is expensive.
Cheap web hosting isn’t always bad, and expensive web hosting isn’t always great. Bottom line: web hosting quality doesn’t correlate with high prices. You should be willing to invest a little in reliable web hosting services because it will affect how your site runs, but you don’t need to exceed your budget. Again, take into account the features and service you get with the hosting plan and what you’re willing to pay.
Myth #3: Save money by hosting with your domain registrar.
Registering a domain is different from buying a web hosting plan. If you just host with your domain registrar, you aren’t doing your website any favors. Take the time to review the available hosting plans for your website so that you can find something that meets your needs.
Myth #4: Free web hosting is 100% free.
Web hosting that is advertised as “free” is usually a limited version of the company’s hosting services. It may also be a free trial. So, if you want all of the features, more bandwidth and more storage, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid version. The good news is that free hosting isn’t necessarily bad hosting, so you can get a feel for what the company offers.
Myth #5: Free web hosting is best for startups.
Unfortunately, free or cheap hosting can end up being very expensive, especially for a new business just getting started. If you’re not careful, you could end up with slow load times, poor page appearance due to ads (common with freemium models), an unprofessional web address, information selling and outdated site building tools. Web hosting doesn’t have to be expensive, so do your research and don’t just look at the bottom number.
If you’re interested in a hosting provider, contact Magna Technology. Our prices are reasonable, and we take care of the technical side of your website, too.